The mystery behind Adolescent health crisis
After twenty thousand hours of research and analysis, we believe the social health is a critical factor, but is likely the catalyst, not the cause and we need more awareness around this escalation in prevention efforts.
We are presenting a Parent Forum to Bridge gaps of Awareness to Action and Action to Awareness in Adolescent Suicide Prevention.
Topics Include:
The Crisis of Idiopathic Psychological Emergencies in Adolescent Children
The Escalation and the signs to pick up on
Holistic Health Screening
Maladaptive behaviors
Addressing Chronic Inflammation
Nutritional Planning for Athletes
Supporting Resilience
Hear Elizabeth Martin and Dr Rahul Mehra discuss the loss of Jack Cole Martin to suicide and the steps you can take to protect and prevent. 13 years old, Jack could have been anyone's son or daughter and showed no indicators you hear about from statistics. We lost him in four minutes and no parent should have to suffer what is the most preventable diagnosis in the medical world. Please share this with every parent. Operation Jacks Village and The National Center for Performance Health are here to help prevent anyone from suffering this tragedy.
Fill out some info and we will see you at the event. Looking forward to seeing you! we are here to answer any questions you may have and help you learn how you can help our pre-adolescent, adolescent, and emerging adults to survive, thrive, and soar!